I suppose Episcias must be difficult to bring into bloom when you need it at show time because so many are placed into the "unusual foliage" class. I only tried once to bring into bloom for show an...
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Episcias are probably one of the easiest gesneriads you can grow. Have you ever tried to grow them. They are suseptible to cold. They grow well by windowlight. If you pinch the stolons you can get it...
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Episcias don't bloom well for me in autumn and winter. Whenever a bloom pops up or a stolon starts hanging, I pinch them off. I continue to pinch off buds but allow stolons to develop once the top...
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The only one that I have is Strawberry Patches. I've never had it to bloom but with foliage like that...who cares.
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I bet your episcia will bloom in spring if you take all new stolons off from now until then. They just need good light from the window. I have two seedlings Spring Fling is yellow and is a shy...
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Nope, have never grown Episcia, Nancy. May have to one day. They look interesting and meet the criteria of my growing environment.
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Episcia Strawberry Patch Photographer: unknown Episcias are actually easier than violets. Mine use a little less water, but that would depend on the dryness in your house. I don't want a whole lot...
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I had several going, and lost two very quickly. The third died from I don't know what. Seems they require a higher humidity than what I provided. What has been available to me locally was expensive,...
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